How to finally lose weight: 6 coaching tricks

If you look at popular queries on weight loss, it would be “how to lose weight quickly”, “how to lose belly fat”, “what weight loss products are available”, “swimming for weight loss” and the like. However, losing weight is a paradox: and one should not do what one thinks one should do, but often the other way round. Let me tell you how I work, as a personal trainer and nutritionist, what steps clients need to take to get results. First of all, the most important thing is that I ordered weight loss products here

1. Stop being afraid of fats.

This is Oksana, mother of three children and my distant client (I work only distantly), before and after photos:

What did Oksana do? She did not pump her abs, she only squats and pulls, after six months she began to squeeze. Didn’t count calories, just cut out sweets and fruit, ate fish, meat, vegetables. She is 40 years old now and does 10 pull-ups more than me.

Here is another result, and the woman in the photo, Anna is 45 years old. Also heavy training, a diet of fats and protein:

Being afraid to add fats to your diet to get rid of the fat on your flanks is a stale stereotype. Fats are important as part of a healthy, sustainable diet and when there is a calorie deficit only help in losing weight and staying healthy.

2. Stop snacking all the time

Marina Liepis.

To quote Marina Liepis, my friend and an expert at my fitness school. She is a nutritionist and nutritionist and has been on the fitness team for women 35+ called Glory Angels:

– Eating seven meals a day in a fraction of a day often leads to insulin resistance and fat gain. Every time you snack, you release insulin. Constant snacking keeps it circulating in the blood and the cells become “deaf to it”.

So the so-called “social rhythm” of eating – 3 times a day – I think is ideal for most clients.

3. don’t “bruise” yourself

Severe muscle pain after a workout is an indicator of an unbalanced, exhausting programme. This is followed by an increase in cortisol levels and a drop in the levels of the other hormones that are responsible for fat burning. In contrast, higher cortisol levels help accumulate fat. Therefore do not kill yourself in a workout.

4. Prepare to work long hours.

In order to achieve more athletic, harmonious proportions you need to do the same exercises for a long time, rather than ‘changing the programme all the time’ – the latter is inefficient and leads to lack of results, because no adaptation (increase in muscle size, strength growth) occurs.

The first six months I essentially lead the client on my willpower – they do not believe in themselves, they progress slowly. But in the second six months they start to “run” themselves: they can’t imagine their life without the habit of pulling and squatting.

The body takes years to build. Everything that is born fast dies fast: 9 out of 10 people can’t retain results that were obtained by unhealthy methods: quick drying out, inadequate programmes, exhausting training. Don’t do it this way. “Hurry up slowly” (c).

5. Restore health

If necessary, it is important to restore the state of the intestinal microflora and to take care of the prevention of anaemia at the beginning.

Hypothyroidism, a deficiency of thyroid hormones, breaks down many metabolic processes. The woman becomes nervous, depressed, swollen, her intellectual and reproductive abilities suffer, the whole nervous system, the whole brain. She gets fat and does not want to live, her hair falls out.

Anaemia has a similar external effect. On top of that, her skin deteriorates badly, she ages and dries out, her hair falls out, she becomes weak (no strength to exercise as well as to live).

I send out a list of supplements that I recommend most often to restore intestinal and thyroid function from my website.

However, if the gut is not working well, taking supplements may be useless (nothing will simply not be absorbed).

Therefore, as a nutritionist, I first do a questionnaire, see if there is a clinical picture of health problems, and then prescribe supplements and diet. If there is a need, I look at the tests and recommend supplements – my certification allows me to do this.

Let me stress: a nutritionist is a specialist in nutrition, including therapeutic nutrition. The nutritionist’s task is to influence health through nutrition, and if the client has serious deficiencies in biochemistry, e.g. lack of iron, the nutritionist knows how to solve these problems with nutraceuticals.

6. Getting more sleep

Losing weight is systemic: to be slim you need to be healthy as well. By creating a good “health background” (sleep, diet, moderate training, supplements if necessary) we get a slim clientele.

The return of adequate sleep is a real “battle of the harvests”. Usually my clients are critically sleep deprived. I know endocrinologists who don’t work with clients who don’t get enough sleep. I myself am reluctant to work with women who have given birth, because lack of sleep with an infant is physically and mentally exhausting.

Not only mothers do not sleep well, but also overworked careerists, heads of departments and companies. I insist on changing the lifestyle, because scientific research proves that lack of sleep aggravates insulin resistance and leads to obesity, overeating and sweet tooth breakdowns.

My clients inevitably expect me as a trainer to do “fasting cardio” and low-calorie diets. Although many of them need to go off diets and increase calories. And instead of 5 workouts a week to go to the gym 2 times. If the client thinks in terms of clichés and myths, he will pull the blanket over himself and expect non-fat breasts and greens 5 times a day. And he won’t get anywhere.

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